Supported Learning Through Play: Nurturing Children's Development at Tayport Playgroup!

At Tayport Playgroup, we believe in the power of play as a foundational tool for children's learning and development. Our goal is to provide a supportive and enriching environment where children can learn, grow, and thrive through play. In this blog post, we will explore how our nursery embraces the concept of supported learning through play and the various strategies we employ to foster children's development. From a child-centred curriculum to promoting effective staff/child interactions, we are committed to creating an engaging and nurturing space for your child to flourish.

A Child-Centred Curriculum One of the core principles of our nursery is offering a child-centered curriculum. We recognize that every child is unique, with their own interests, strengths, and learning styles. Our curriculum is thoughtfully designed to accommodate and celebrate this diversity, allowing each child to embark on a learning journey that resonates with their individuality. By integrating play into our curriculum, we create an environment that is engaging, enjoyable, and tailored to meet the developmental needs of each child.

Choice in Activities and Resources We firmly believe that children learn best when they have the freedom to choose their activities and explore their interests. That's why we provide a wide range of activities and resources for children to engage with during their time at our nursery. From art and music to sensory play and problem-solving games, we offer a diverse selection that caters to various learning styles. By encouraging children to make choices and follow their curiosities, we empower them to take ownership of their learning journey.

Effective Staff/Child Interactions Our dedicated and experienced team of educators play a vital role in supporting children's learning through play. They foster positive and meaningful interactions with each child, creating a warm and nurturing environment where children feel safe and supported. Our educators actively engage with children during play, providing guidance, encouragement, and inspiration as they explore new concepts and develop important skills. Through these interactions, we build strong relationships with the children, establishing a foundation of trust and fostering a love for learning.

Responsive to Children's Needs and Interests at Tayport Playgroup, we place great emphasis on understanding and responding to children's individual needs and interests. By closely observing and listening to the children, our educators gain valuable insights into their unique preferences, strengths, and areas for growth. We use this knowledge to tailor our activities and learning experiences, creating opportunities that align with the children's passions and promote further learning. This responsive approach ensures that children remain motivated, engaged, and enthusiastic about their learning journey.

Monitoring Progress and Ensuring Success To ensure the continuous progress and success of each child, we have established effective assessment, recording, and reporting procedures. Our educators carefully observe and document each child's development across the key areas of our curriculum. This information guides our planning and allows us to create individualized learning experiences that meet each child's specific needs. Regular progress updates and open communication with parents and guardians ensure that we work together to support and celebrate the growth and achievements of every child.

At Tayport Playgroup , supported learning through play is at the heart of everything we do. By embracing a child-centred curriculum, providing choices in activities and resources, promoting effective staff/child interactions, responding to children's needs and interests, and monitoring progress, we create a nurturing environment where children thrive. Through play, children develop essential skills, discover their passions, and lay the foundation for a lifelong love of learning. Join us at Tayport Playgroup and witness the incredible power of supported learning through play in action.


Embracing a Smooth Transition: Supporting Children as They Join Tayport Playgroup!